Monday, April 7, 2008

Three Kids... you snob

This article cracked me up...Click HERE.

Who knew more kids = Status - Populating Mormons beware.

My favorite quote: "The way we figure it, one day our children will be grateful for what we didn't give them -- and what we did for them instead."


Deby said...

Gosh darn. I had no idea that because I have three children I am now considered to be a card carrying member of the upper class.

Obviously the bank isn't getting the deposits that those people think are coming. I'll have to call wamu about that.

Tifferbob said...

Well, then I better have some more.

~j. said...

"I don't blame people for having more, if they can," she told me. "If we had unlimited resources, I think we'd have more children, too."

See? An article that I can relate to, finally! I'm having all these babies because I've just got so much money!

wendysue said...

I love the quote you picked out Queen. . .I say things like that a lot to my oldest child who has several "very well off" friends that are the only child. I remind her that she may not have the latest and greatest, but she does have some fun siblings!

She's buying it. . .at least for now.

Tiffany UnTwisted said...

that is why i got knocked up last summer - status. somehow i think it altered my status in a different way :)

QueenScarlett said...

I'm giggling at all your comments. ;-)

swampbaby said...

Hi, I'm new to this site, so I thought I'd comment and come out of hiding. I am both laughing and appalled at this article. The fact that someone thinks this, much less wrote it and had it published is beyond me. I'd love to see what the "public's" response was to this.

Eliza said...

Hi, also new, just wanted to mention that I read this same article--I think it was in last Sunday's Post--and briefly wondered if it was a joke. Weird! But it's true, there are people who think 3 is a luxury. Of course that's only if you buy those stats about how much an average baby costs to raise...and, like I think someone in the article mentioned, if you're used to living a certain lifestyle for years and years, it may be hard to lower your standards if you'd rather keep spending the big bucks on yourself too. I might, if I'd ever had big bucks to begin with.

Although I could see how raising 3 kids in Manhattan could seem a luxury--or even nicer parts of DC. That's, of course, if you live in something larger than about 700 square feet. My last ward in DC featured a family of 2 parents and 6 kids who lived in a 1-bedroom. They got along great. Would I do that? No, I'd probably choose the suburbs. But more power to them if that's the life of luxury they desire.

Anyway, love your site!

Guileless Mom said...

Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Keeping up with the Jones'" ....

Putz said...

i'm new, my cousin bruce campell, professor bruce campbell from byu, yes eugene camples boy, professor and department head of history at byu said we were all to have two and one half kids...amen

Putz said...

so you are queen of your domain after going back and reading all your comments after i had already posted